1338 Filbert

Welcome to the historic metamorphosis of 1338 Filbert Street in Russian Hill, where our prowess as the general contractor is evident in the precise rejuvenation of landmark cottages. Elevated 45 feet high through meticulous cribbing, these cottages now embrace an excavated basement with underground parking, featuring a distinctive car elevator that artfully merges contemporary convenience with the charm of a bygone era. Drawing inspiration from the timeless allure of Achill Beg, our role as general contractors involved orchestrating the detailed restoration and expansion of the 1907 post-earthquake Craftsman home, seamlessly transforming it into a 21st-century residence. From the singular car elevator to the incorporation of cutting-edge smart home features, our focus on execution and project management ensures that each facet aligns seamlessly with our unwavering commitment to excellence. Immerse yourself in the intersection of history and modernity at 1338 Filbert Street, a testament to our role as general contractors in crafting an unparalleled and extraordinary living space.

Achill Beg Construction

Achill Beg Construction is a construction firm based in San Francisco. Founded in 1995, we specialize in large residential and commercial developments, historic preservation, and seismic retrofitting.